Installation of Python.
Welcome, everyone to this course in Python programming. My name is Ankit and in this tutorial we are going to focus on each and every important concept of Python. So without wasting any time, let us move forward and have a look at the agenda for today. So this is what we'll be discussing.
Today, we'll begin by understand what is Python, how it works, how we can install Python. Then we'll understand what are the sequences and file operations in Python. Next up, we are going to focus on functions and Oops concepts. After that, we'll be working with modules and how we can handle exceptions in Python. Then you will be introduced to a couple of very important libraries called NumPhy and Pandas. After that, you'll understand how you can perform data visualization using Mat-lab. Then you will understand how you can perform data manipulation using all the three libraries that I've just mentioned. After that, you are going to develop really cool applications, one is Web Map using Folium, another is motion detector using Open CV. I hope you guys found the agenda very interesting.
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And I will be the instructor for this particular session Introduction to Python. So the question is which programming language should you start with? I mean, of course, you have already started with one as part of this course, but in my opinion, it has to be Python. Simply because it is very, very simple and easy to learn. In a few moments when we start looking at Python code, you will notice how it looks like English. It doesn't even look like code. Many people hear the word code, they start thinking of ones and zeros or they start thinking about oh it's going to be like a puzzle that you have to solve.
Nothing of that sort, really. It's just a set of detailed instructions. Like if you can write instructions about how to send a email also about how to send a post mail, if you can write very, very detailed instructions about how to send a post mail, you can probably code. It's like that. Next is that it is free and open source. So in the sense that you don't have to pay anybody money for using Python. Now, one question might be that, hey, what's new about that? I don't need to pay anybody to speak English, and English is a language. But the thing is that English, Spanish, French, these languages, there is no creator of these languages. They're commonly developed.
So nobody really owns English as a language. Nobody has the right to English. Whereas, if you look at programming languages, they're created by a small set of people. 10, 15, 50, 100 people. 100 people is not a big group of people, it's relatively small as compared to people who developed English. People who developed English words will be the authors, the writers, and the regular folks as well. So that number would be millions of people who developed the language. So open source is a concept in software programming. I strongly suggest that you go on YouTube and search for open source. We'll come across some very neat documentaries, I suggest you have a look at them. But comparing this with sort of what is paid for, Mat-lab has a version which is paid for, which has some extra functionality which you need to pay for. But Python is free, completely. A lot of Python libraries are available for free. There is a language called Wolfram, W-O-L-F, like a wolf, R-A-M, which is very expensive. You need to buy a license, you can't just use it, it's not allowed. It's like Windows, you need to pay a license fee to use it.
Now it's a high-level language, so believe it or not, but the first three lines over here are actually valid Python code. Forget the fourth one. Some of you might be able to understand that, but the first three lines are valid, valid Python code. That's why Python. You don't have to deal with the right side. Don't think about this, this is you'll never, almost never going to look at this and be supposed to figure out, oh what does this mean. You're only supposed to look at stuff like this and say okay, what does this mean. Then it's Portable, portable being that you can use it on multiple devices whether that's a Window's device, or a Linux device. Python is very compatible that way. It will learn different devices. It's supports different programming paradigms. So paradigm is just a fancy word for styles. If you are a beginning with programming, don't bother with it unless and until you have, you know 600 to 1,000 hours of programming under you. Don't bother with it at all. This is not relevant for you. However, if you have some experience with programming and you know what a programming paradigm is, just know that Python supports multiple and for those of you don't know about it, don't worry about it. You will get there eventually.
I'm not saying it's not important, it is important, it's just that right now it's like running. Like right now, if writing a line of code is the starting point, it's like stumbling or crawling, thinking about paradigms and styles of programming is kind of like running. So I would not recommend thinking about it too much. Next is Python is extensible in the sense that you can invoke C and C++ libraries from Python. So you can sort of call code of other languages using Python. That way it is very extensible, increases the usability of it. Makes it work with other systems. So Python's also used widely by a lot of companies.
Let us look at a few of the giants. So this would include YouTube, Google, Dropbox, Raspberry Pi, Bit Torrent, NASA, Netflix, NSA, and I mean, it's like amazing, right. I mean, you look at how varied and wide different these companies are. They are internet companies to you know, national space agencies, to national security agencies. Really though breadth and the depth of it. It's being used by all of them in some way or the other.
So it's not that you shouldn't say that hey Google is built on Python. No, Google uses 10 languages. It's a huge company, right. Same for Dropbox. Oh by the way, the creator of Python works for Dropbox. He actually does work for Dropbox and he has it in his contract that he will devote a certain percentage of his time, like it's about 30 or 40% of his time, for developing Python. So that is something that he got as a part of his job contract. Of course he's a very celebrated person that way. Not regular people or I guess you as well, can really negotiate something like that. But yeah, he did because he's the creator of Python. But yeah, the point is that best of the places in Silicon Valley and government agencies, they are using Python. Now the best part, yes, this is my favorite part, because Python really works for most of the thing out there like you want to develop a website, you can use Python. You want to do data analysis, you want to do data science, you can use Python. You want to do automation testing, you can use Python. You want to do collect data from the internet, which is web scraping, that is extract data from the websites, you can use Python. Now one cautious thing, you don't need to do all of the things to say that you are a Python, a starter Python developer. Like for example, I've never done this one, testing. I've not never really done scraping. I know how it is done, but the point to note is that there are very slight differences between these. It is then that you have to learn an entirely new thing then you are doing this versus this. You have to learn the concepts related to it, but that's more like business logic rather than programming logic is completely changed.
Alright, the golden question on a lot of people's mind, are there Python jobs in the industry?
So this is a job trend from Don't focus on the small percentages, I know they're small, but they are of the total number of jobs, okay. They're not just, it says.85%, but it's of probably 10 million or 15 million job postings. So you can notice how the trend is good for Python. It's going a little sideways, but then it keeps doing that, but if you compare it to PHP or C++, definitely a huge difference. Then of course, the popularity. This is even more relevant, how much is the community developing? This indicates Google Trends would indicate both searches using the word Python either by experience or by new people, all by industry.
So even if I have to hire Python developers I might go to Google and say hire Python developers and then it will show up here. So this is an overall accumulation. This is a summation of how popular Python is compared to other languages. Like these indexes, 99,66, so on and so forth, these are indicative about that. So let's look at how to install Python. We have sort of understood till this point what is Python, why it is used, what is programming, why it is used. Let's look at how to get started. Now, get started, the first thing is to of course, buy the card, or get the Python. You go to, you go to the downloads tab and you download the latest version of Python. 3.6, 3.x is the latest version. 2.X is also out there. It's being used by a lot of projects, even my projects these days use 2.X,because they have like one, 12 to 15 months old now, the kind of projects that I'm working on, so I mean, it isn't that you do 2.X. It isn't that for a big(speech unclear) in Python specifically, you would find a massive amount of difference between a 2.X and 3.X. I mean, it's like you know, having a car and then it's sports version of that car or the plus version or the luxury version of a car.
The differences are minor for the regular user, but if you are a Python user, then of course you might find significant differences. But don't be confused by it. It's not that companies tell developers who you know, know Python 2.7 and don't know the latest version. The job market doesn't work like that. They will go for Python. They will ask you if you know Python and then the version difference doesn't really make too much of a difference. You open the link and click on run. Click on install now. This is very important. In case you have already installed Python and you forgot or you unchecked the checkbox for some reason, please go back, uninstall Python, and reinstall it, and make sure that you selected the checkbox. Nothing will work if you don't do this. So please, follow the steps. And that's it, you're done. As easy as that you have Python on your system now. There's a Python GUI developer for you. Now next is Python IDE. The one question is what is an IDE?
What does IDE mean? and Why do we use IDE?
So here we go, IDE is an integrated development environment. It is used as a code editor, including a series of parallel components in it and attachments. So fancy words aside, if you can ask me, hey, can I write code or can I write Python in a notepad or a Word doc? My answer to that question would be yes you can. Now if you ask me should I write code in Notepad? My answer to that would be no, please don't, never. So you get the difference, you can do it but you should definitely not do it. So it's not that your code wouldn't run or something of that sort, it's just that IDE are tools which are meant for doing this. They are specialized development environments for you to code in.
So here we go, IDE is an integrated development environment. It is used as a code editor, including a series of parallel components in it and attachments. So fancy words aside, if you can ask me, hey, can I write code or can I write Python in a notepad or a Word doc? My answer to that question would be yes you can. Now if you ask me should I write code in Notepad? My answer to that would be no, please don't, never. So you get the difference, you can do it but you should definitely not do it. So it's not that your code wouldn't run or something of that sort, it's just that IDE are tools which are meant for doing this. They are specialized development environments for you to code in.
It helps you in certain ways. That makes sense, right, because programming can be very difficult without them. So definitely please choose an IDE and stick to it. One thing that you noticed, there are line numbers. These are very, very useful by the way. As you will experience, if you're talking to another developer, the best way to talk to them is line number three then edit on this particular line. Can you start reading from this line to this line, that's how I deal with a number of situations. I will talk about a certain line number.
Now a Golden question comes in mind that
Is Python easy to learn?
Answer is yes, It is easy to Learn. The syntax of python is very easy compared from other language and codes of python is easily readable. It has several kinds Infact lots of applications. This is used for building rapid application development, data science, developing web applications and many more.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this post, read next tutorial post.
I am damn sure from now you can easily do a coding and create your own software. Bye!
Now a Golden question comes in mind that
Is Python easy to learn?
Answer is yes, It is easy to Learn. The syntax of python is very easy compared from other language and codes of python is easily readable. It has several kinds Infact lots of applications. This is used for building rapid application development, data science, developing web applications and many more.
So I hope you guys enjoyed this post, read next tutorial post.
I am damn sure from now you can easily do a coding and create your own software. Bye!
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