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Monday, 20 March 2023
Will GPT 4 brings revolution in AI World - A Model From Open AI
GPT-4 Revolution in AI World
GPT-4, a large language model which stands for Generative Pretrained Transformer 4 it is a new computer program that can understand and generate human-like language. It was made by a company called OpenAI and was released on March 14, 2023. It can be used by developers through an API and by Chat GPT Plus users. Microsoft confirmed that they were already using it before its official release.
The program was trained to predict the next word in a sentence and then fine-tuned with feedback from humans. The size of the program is not known due to safety concerns. It is said to be better than Chat Gpt or previous versions and can handle more complex tasks. According to the New York Times, it can summarize complicated texts, comment on images, and pass certain tests. However, it still has some limitations and can sometimes give incorrect information. But as an AI Model it can do beyond the imagination.
GPT 4 Open AI |
GPT-4 An Open AI
GPT-4 is a new version of a smart computer system made by OpenAI that predicts the next word in a sentence. It is different from previous versions because it can also use pictures to respond in words. GPT-4 will be available to ChatGPT Plus users and businesses, but there may be a waiting list. Microsoft is already using GPT-4 in its Bing chatbot.
OpenAI is a group of scientists who work on creating advanced computer programs that can think and learn like humans. They want these programs to be safe and helpful to people. OpenAI uses a powerful computer to run their programs, which is one of the fastest in the world. The group was started in San Francisco in 2015 by a team of people including Elon Musk, who later left but continued to support the group financially. In 2019, Microsoft gave OpenAI a $1 billion investment, and in January 2023, they gave another investment reported to be worth $10 billion.
What GPT-4 can do that ChatGPT can’t?
ChatGPT became popular in November for its ability to generate stories, essays, computer code, and other things in response to user prompts. However, its answers are not always accurate. ChatGPT is built using GPT-3.5, an older version of the technology that was announced on Tuesday.
OpenAI has stated that GPT-4 is capable of scoring in the top 10 percent of test-takers for the Uniform Bar Exam, which is a test that certifies lawyers. The company has also claimed that GPT-4 is 82 percent less likely than its predecessor, GPT-3.5, to generate inappropriate content, making it safer. GPT-4 can handle longer text inputs of up to 25,000 words, compared to the previous maximum of 3,000 words for ChatGPT, and it has been trained to be more factual and safe. OpenAI stated that the system can bring ideas and thoughts to life in front of users, and it can also answer questions based on images, but this feature will not be immediately available to the public.
Why am I suddenly hearing so much about AI and chatbots?
For decades, AI technology has been in development and you have likely used some form of it in your software, search engines, and smart devices. AI is used in facial recognition for unlocking phones, Google searches, and spell-checking software.
However, when ChatGPT was publicly released in November, it amazed many with its advanced capabilities and ease of interacting with users in plain language. Since then, other companies like Microsoft, Google, and Facebook have also released similar AI bots.
ChatGPT's success has fueled competition among tech giants, resulting in pressure to speed up their AI technology development.
what will gpt-4 be able to do how we can access to it?
The company OpenAI has developed a new language model called GPT-4. It will be available to people who sign up for a waitlist or pay for a special service called ChatGPT Plus. However, users will only be able to use GPT-4 to work with text. Experts say that GPT-4 is a significant improvement compared to previous language models. They hope that GPT-4 will help machines better understand the world by combining text and images. This would help machines with things like spatial reasoning.
OpenAI's new language model, GPT-4, is believed to be better at some basic reasoning than ChatGPT. GPT-4 was shown to be capable of solving simple puzzles, like summarizing text using words that begin with the same letter, and answering questions about a document on taxes, citing reasons for its responses. In addition, GPT-4 performed better than ChatGPT on human tests like the Uniform Bar Exam and the Biology Olympiad. However, it is not yet clear how impressive these results are without further technical details.
It is not clear yet if GPT-4 is better than ChatGPT in all areas. However, GPT-4 seems to be better at some basic reasoning tasks like summarizing text in words that start with the same letter. It also did well in human tests like the Uniform Bar Exam and Biology Olympiad. But, we need to see more details to judge how impressive these results really are.
OpenAI claims that GPT-4 performs better than ChatGPT, which is based on the previous GPT-3.5 technology, due to its larger size with more parameters. This trend was also seen with GPT-3 outperforming GPT-2 due to its larger size. However, OpenAI has not revealed the size of GPT-4, unlike its previous releases. They have not shared any information about how the model was built, including the data, computing power, or training techniques used. This lack of transparency has led to criticism that OpenAI is now a closed company with limited scientific communication.
OpenAI reports that it took six months to make GPT-4 more accurate and safer. The company claims that GPT-4 is 82% less likely to provide content that OpenAI does not allow compared to its previous model, GPT-3.5. Additionally, GPT-4 is said to be 60% less likely to generate false content. OpenAI used the same method it used for ChatGPT to achieve these results, which involves using reinforcement learning with feedback from human raters to improve future output.
OpenAI spent six months making GPT-4 safer and more accurate. They claim it is less likely to respond to requests for content they don't allow and less likely to generate fake content. OpenAI used a similar approach to improve GPT-4 as they did with ChatGPT, using human feedback to improve the model. They also used GPT-4 to identify and eliminate biased, inaccurate, or offensive responses. Although GPT-4 is a powerful model, it is not the only one in its league, and it faces competition from other multimodal models like Flamingo from DeepMind. OpenAI is treating this release more as a product tease than a research update, and early versions of GPT-4 have been shared with partners such as Microsoft, Stripe, and Duolingo.
OpenAI has made GPT-4, a new language model that is larger and more accurate than its predecessor, GPT-3. The company claims that GPT-4 is safer and more reliable, with a lower likelihood of generating prohibited content or false information. OpenAI used reinforcement learning through human feedback to improve the model. However, the company has not revealed much about how GPT-4 was built. While GPT-4 is impressive, it is not alone in the field of large language models, with other companies like Hugging Face also working on similar technology. While GPT-4 has been made available to some partners, it is still not perfect, and there are concerns about biased, false, and harmful text it could generate. Safety is a process, and OpenAI is aware that surprises may still arise. Sutskever believes that sometimes it might be better to release models with unprecedented capabilities at a slower pace.
The company's large language model, known as GPT-4, was updated and is trained on a sizable amount of online data to produce sophisticated user prompt answers.
So we know that the world is constantly evolving, GPT-4 from OpenAI promises to be the next giant leap in AI technology, Lets get ready to witness the future unfold before your eyes! Thats it for today guys meet you with an another blog.
Sunday, 13 March 2022
MS Access Introduction in hindi
MS Access को Office Access या Microsoft Access के नाम से भी जाना जाता है।
यह एक DataBase Management System (DBMS) है।
इसके जरिये हम DataBase को बना सकते हैं या मैनेज कर सकते हैं। इसके जरिये हम Report भी बना सकते हैं इसकी सबसे अच्छी बात यह है की इसके जरिये DataBase बनाने और मैनेज करने के लिए हमें किसी भी प्रकार की Programming Language (जैसे SQL) की जरूरत नहीं होती।
यह GUI यानी Graphical User Interface पर काम करता है और इसकी थोड़ी सी जानकारी के साथ आसानी से इस्तेमाल कर सकता है। इसमें हम किसी भी तरह की Entry बना सकते हैं रिपोर्ट तैयार कर सकते हैं Data Entry, List आदि आसानी से बना सकते हैं।
अगर आप Database के बारे में थोड़ा बहुत जानते हैं तो आप Front End और Back - End के बारे में भी थोड़ा बहुत जानते होंगे।
MS Access के इस्तेमाल से हम किसी भी चीज़ का डेटाबेस तैयार कर सकते हैं।
MS Access Front-end or Back-end दोनो के लिए किया जा सकता है। MS Access का इस्तेमाल Schools में colleges में Students की जानकारी स्टोर करने के लिए भी किया जा सकता है।
MS Access Advantages and Disadvantages
- MS Access को इस्तेमाल करना बाकी database के मुकावले काफी आसान है।
- MS Access को इस्तेमाल करने के लिए हम किसी भी Programming लैंग्वेज की कोई जरूरत नहीं होती।
- MS Access Database create और manage करने के लिए Graphical User Interface दिया होता है।
- MS Access MS Office पैकेज के साथ ही included होता है।
- MS Access को इस्तेमाल करने के लिए आपको पूरा MS Office पैकेज खरीदना पड़ता है।
- MS Access में डाटा एक लिमिटेड अमाउंट में ही स्टोर कर सकते हैं।इसमें सारा डाटा एक ही जगह स्टोर होता है।
- MS Access को सिर्फ छोटे कामो के लिए ही इस्तेमाल में लिया जाता है।
Introduction to GST | Types of taxes
What is Tax?
टैक्स क्या है
Types of Taxes
Saturday, 16 October 2021
Basics of Accounting, Tally and Company | Fundamentals of tally | financial year
What Is Accounting?
Types of Accounts
why accounting required?
what is a company?
Types of Companies?
- Companies Limited by Shares : शेयरों द्वारा लिमिटेड कंपनियां
- Companies Limited by Guarantee : गारंटी द्वारा सीमित कंपनियां
- Unlimited Companies : असीमित कंपनियां
- One Person Companies (OPC) : एक व्यक्ति कंपनियां (ओपीसी)
- Private Companies : निजी कंपनियां
- Public Companies : सार्वजनिक कंपनियां
- Holding and Subsidiary Companies : होल्डिंग और सहायक कंपनियां
- Associate Companies : सहयोगी कंपनियां
- Companies in terms of Access to Capital : पूंजी तक पहुंच के मामले में कंपनियां
- Government Companies : सरकारी कंपनियां
- Foreign Companies : विदैशी कंपेनियॉं
- Charitable Companies : धर्मार्थ कंपनियां
- Dormant Companies : निष्क्रिय कंपनियां
- Nidhi Companies : निधि कंपनियां
- Public Financial Institutions : सार्वजनिक वित्तीय संस्थान
What is Fiscal year or Financial year?
Sunday, 3 October 2021
What is Voucher in Tally | Types of Voucher in Tally
Accounting Software
Types of Voucher ( Voucher ke Prakar )
Contra Voucher [ F4 ]
Payment Voucher [ F5 ]
Receipt Voucher [ F6 ]
Journal Voucher [ F7 ]
Sales voucher [ F8 ]
Purchase Voucher [ F9 ]
Credit Note Voucher [ Ctrl + F8 ]
Debit Note Voucher [ Ctrl + F9 ]
Memo Voucher [ Ctrl + F10 ]
Saturday, 2 October 2021
Install Tally ERP 9 and Activate the License | Step by Step in Hinglish
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Silver and Gold:
Why Tally Software is Required?
How to Install Tally ERP 9 in your Computer and Laptop?
How to Purchase Tally Software?
How to Activate Tally License?
Activate Tally Licence.
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Python Data Types - Numeric with Integers and Float.
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